Our Consultancy Services Has Provided And Continue To Provide A Variety Of Services that Include:
- Baseline studies, assessments and design of WASH, water resources and environmental projects/programs.
- Results-based Evaluation of WASH frameworks, projects and programs.
- Support the integration of WASH and RE programs into other development sectors such as health, agriculture, education, environment, gender and micro-finance.
- Community-based and small-town WASH design and programming, traffic setting and utility management.
- Country WASH sector policy, advocacy, and institutional strengthening development and implementation.
- Production of country status overviews and policy analysis of the WASH and Health sectors for Governments, NGOs and multilaterals.
- Sanitation infrastructure design and planning and management of integrated sanitation services. Fecal sludge management under both emergency and development contexts.
- Design of waste disposal landfill sites and support the management, treatment, and re-use of liquid and solid waste.

- Capacity building in hygiene promotion, behavior change and gender equity and social integration (GESI)
- Groundwater exploration using a variety of remote sensing and geophysical techniques.
- Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
- Borehole drilling, supervision, and design. Design and construction of piped networked systems, including solar installations.
- Collation of hydrogeological and geological data as well as creation of hydrogeological and water quality maps for effective management of groundwater and surface water resources.
- Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management, including trans-boundary water issues, public participation, and adaptive policy. Includes analysis and computer modeling of hydrologic, climatic and environmental parameters to understand current conditions and predict future certainty and reliability.
- Watershed and river basin management in the context of climate change. Strengthening country governments, communities and institutions to protect ecosystem services and safeguard access to water supplies for sustaining livelihoods, human well-being and socioeconomic development.
- Long-term WASH sustainability management and lifecycle costing of WASH services.
- Water safety planning; water quality monitoring and contaminant studies; and low-cost water treatment.
- Capacity building and training for NGOs, local stakeholders, and government staff on a wide range of topics in WASH and Integrated Water Resources Management. This includes development of strategies and capacity building in sanitation and hygiene frameworks such as Sanitation Marketing and Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS).
- Assessment of human resources/capacity assets and the needs of government agencies, NGOs and WASH professionals.
- Strengthen undergraduate/graduate level (B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D.) education and training capacity of Ghana higher education institutions.