Who We Are:

Welcome to Development Impact International (D2i), a trailblazing consultancy firm based in Ghana. Our legacy is built on over 30 years of collective experience in various human development sectors. Led by our visionary Managing Director, Dr. Braimah Apambire, D2i brings together a team of dedicated professionals committed to transforming challenges into opportunities. D2i aims to promote human development through support of the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), Public Health, Water Resources Management, Climate Change, Renewable Energy (RE), solid waste and wastewater management, including fecal sludge management (FSM) and other developmental sectors. The D2i development approach recognizes the pivotal role WASH, RE and water management play in unlocking the desired development impacts at both community and country levels. Sustainable WASH service and RE provision is critical to realizing human wellbeing and economic productivity development targets. The D2i team comprises several seasoned sector professionals who are highly qualified in various disciplines and have decades of hands-on experience at both the local and international level. Personnel have worked with the public sector (governments), NGOs, large foundations, private donors and multilateral organizations. D2i personnel have skills and on-the-ground experiences in diverse fields, including WASH, public Health, DM & E, hydrogeology, engineering, geophysics, geochemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management, climate change, economics, policy and advocacy, business administration, finance, renewable energy, waste management and community development.  The team members hold academic degrees in the areas of science, engineering, business Administration, public health, development, DM&E, etc. The team members have worked on multiple projects ranging from WASH to education to health and economic empowerment.  Together with the years of experience in the development arena, all the team members have touched on nearly every aspect of the project design/management cycle and have great hands-on experience.

The developing countries that D2i processionals have served in include Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Niger, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia. Most D2i personnel have obtained academic degrees and have worked in developed countries including the United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom.  Therefore, they have professional and cross-cultural experiences working on north – south projects.

Meet The Team...

Dr. Braimah Apambire, Ph.d

Managing Director

Dr. Apambire is an expert in Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), environmental and developmental issues with extensive field, academic, teaching, grant making and management experience. Read More

George Acolor

MBA - Director

Mr. Acolor is a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Expert with over 30 years’ experience in WASH, Agriculture, Research and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa. His areas of expertise in the WASH sector include- Large and Small Water Utilities Management, Governance and  Institutional Development,  Read More

Dr. John Akudago


Dr. Akudago is a leading, internationally recognized water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), hydrogeologist and community development expert with over 25 years of global development, disaster response and research accomplishments. Experience includes water and natural resources development, fecal sludge management, climate change, stakeholder engagement and management, project design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, grant acquisition and governance, emergency response, research and policy analysis, capacity development, training and community education, teaching, knowledge management and dissemination. Read More

Emmanuel Oppong, Ph.D


Dr. Opong worked as the Regional Director, WASH and Capacity Building, World Vision Southern Africa Region (SAR). He provided leadership and management responsibility for the WASH programs in 9 countries and for the global capacity building of WASH staff with Read More

Solomon Minyila, M.Sc

Senior Associate

Mr. Minyila is a water chemist/manager with 15 years’ experience in water quality analysis and management. He has an in-depth understanding of the state-of-the-art analytical instruments. What makes him most special is his charming ability to make non-formally educated persons Read More

Augustine Nyaaba, B.Sc.; Grad Cert (WASH);


Mr. Augustine Nyaaba is an expert in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Health specialist in developing countries. He is currently the WASH and Health Project Officer with World Vision Ghana.  Read More


Global Reach:

D2i extends its impact beyond Ghana, with associates like Mr. Massiré Kare, a WASH expert with 35 years of experience in Senegal;  Mr. Andre Faye, an Agricultural Engineer contributing significantly to agricultural development programs in Senegal; and Mr. Samuel Diarra with over 25 years’ experience in WASH is  Mali.